Download the full report: 2017-2018 Assessment and Identification of LEP Customers

This report provides a summary of the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) population distribution throughout the 9-county Rural Capital Workforce Development Area of Texas by using the most recently released US Census Data 1, 2, and PEIMS data for the 2016-2017 school year provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) 3, 4 which identifies the ‘Home Language' of school-going populations by county. The first data set from the US Census Bureau – 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates – provides information for our smaller and midsize counties (Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, and Llano) while most of the data for our largest county (Williamson) is derived from the more recent 2016 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. This second data set contains more current population estimates for our most urban county (consisting of approximately 56.1% of the entire Rural Capital Area population) and, therefore, provides a more accurate view of the dynamic areas of population within the Rural Capital Area. The English Language Learner data from TEA is intended to provide a confirmation of the primary Census data by highlighting the percentage of children in our local school districts who have a ‘Home Language' other than English. However, several of the current TEA county data sets show large changes from previous years that are likely the result of changes in reporting procedures by local school districts rather than actually changes in the local LEP population.